8 Ways AI can help with Diversity and Inclusion: An Overview

Never Stop Learning

 Jan 23, 2023

8 Ways AI can help with Diversity and Inclusion: An Overview

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in an increasing variety of fields within the business that previously required humans to do routine, relatively high work. As a result, artificial intelligence can contribute to promoting diversity and inclusion by employing algorithms to make decisions based on evidence or data instead of subjectivity or bias. When filling job positions, artificial intelligence can assist in removing discriminatory practices. Regarding the promotion of diversity and inclusion, though, could that be a double-edged sword for business leaders? Read on to learn about 8 ways AI may support diversity and inclusion.


Recently, artificial intelligence[1] has received certain unjustified negative attention. Some of the worst incidents have involved racial or religious discrimination in facial recognition software or the selection of applicants for loans, jobs, or other opportunities. But what if artificial intelligence (AI) assisted us in overcoming detrimental prejudices and reaching more equitable decisions? That might eventually lead to a world that is more inclusive and diverse. What if, for example, machine intelligence could assist businesses in identifying all deserving potential employees by avoiding the common unconscious biases that disqualify candidates who also don’t speak or look like people in authority or who lack the “proper” universities on their resumes? What if computer algorithms could take into account the unfairness that has prevented minorities from obtaining mortgage loans and other loan payments? What if, in other statements, our algorithms were trained to disregard information regarding attributes like colour, sexual orientation, gender, and others that are unimportant to the current decisions? 

All of this is possible for AI if it is guided by human specialists who design, develop, test, and hone its systems. By using the appropriate data to train AI systems to be inclusive and taking gender roles and diversity into account when designing machines as well as other software that interact with the general population, the people that work with the technology should especially do a much better job of integrating diversity and inclusion into AI design.

How can AI help with Diversity and Inclusion?

AI plays a significant role with respect to diversity and inclusion. That’s the significant reason behind modern-day organizations relying on AI-based IT recruitment services.

AI help with Diversity and Inclusion
  1. AI tools can help managers create inclusive workplaces by advising them on the well-being, diversity and inclusion welfare of all employees. If gender bias or prejudice towards a certain group of employees exists, there are techniques that can provide organisational leaders clarity. AI technologies are available to help leaders become more mindful of how they communicate and ensure that no group is unintentionally disrespected.
  2. AI can assist with making better recruiting, pay, promotions, and maintenance decisions, which will increase diversity and inclusion. AI can minimize hiring discrimination, attract new talent, and find factors that can lead to employee turnover by evaluating previous data. It can be used, for example, to identify the ideal blend of skills and knowledge for roles that businesses are looking to fill. It can also recognise language that is biased against or offensive to specific people based on age, race, and other considerations. Without knowing the applicants, AI algorithms make choices based on the competencies and skill sets needed for positions.
  3. Additionally, AI is being used to produce more equal opportunities for advancement and compensation. For instance, senior executives and human resource managers frequently have unspoken opinions and views regarding a worker’s suitability for promotion. AI algorithms can eliminate this prejudice and make decisions based on test results for aptitudes, talents, and other elements that are associated with job preparedness. AI can assist in removing obstacles like windows or skylights for minority workers in this way.
  4. Organizations may increase their key talent and find better applicants by reducing biased job descriptions. For instance, you might be aiming to fill a specific position yet fail out on prospects because the job description’s language and/or skills are needlessly biased to a particular gender or another identity. As independent workers with a wider range of professional experiences grow more prevalent in the workplace, AI technologies can recommend ways to improve job advertisements so that they are more welcoming and appealing to candidates from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, by generating insights using talent analytics databases to help businesses locate highly qualified people and stand up for diversity and inclusion, AI-powered technologies can help organisations significantly extend their talent communities.
  5. AI itself is indeed a crucial counter measure to unfair discrimination and a tool to advance diversity and inclusion. To find hidden preferences, deep neural networks—AI algorithm networks that mimic human capacity to recognise data patterns—are particularly useful. For instance, AI-based chatbots can tell if hiring managers prefer applicants with particular backgrounds or religions. In actuality, AI is helping In the discovery of biases in previous employment decisions.
  6. AI creates new chances for companies by evaluating the benefits that remuneration plans to offer to the company and its employees. Using market data analysis and interpretation, AI may provide competitive salary ranges. Artificial intelligence (AI) salary calculation can prevent pay differences between workers based on sex, race, age, and other variables that may contribute to wage discrimination.
  7. Certain tools and programs incorporate artificial learning algorithms to establish an inclusive and objective interview process. These tools’ algorithms can assist hr executives and recruiters in introducing new interview panels that minimize personal bias and draw in a wider range of prospects.
  8. When developing diversity and inclusion policies, staff information can be analyzed to examine equal pay, employee retention, and rewards. AI can enhance employee interaction and cooperation, which can enhance employee responsibility and transparency while also assisting in fair and impartial performance evaluation.


Whilst AI can promote general diversity and inclusion in the workplace. So if leaders genuinely foster an inclusive culture, employees feel appreciated in the workplace. Employees who reflect various diversity means feel accepted and secure psychologically. When filling job positions, pay plans, job postings, and more such tasks; artificial intelligence can assist in removing discriminatory practices. The audience and client base are massively larger and more devoted and engaged when you cater to a diverse and inclusive collection of employers and employees.

Read our Article: Roles and Responsibilities of a Data Scientist: An In-depth Overview

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