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Global Sourcing Services

  • Permanent and Temporary staffingPermanent and Temporary staffing solutions.
  • HR industry19+ years of experience in the HR industry.
  • PAN IndiaPAN India presence.
  • quality talentGet a continuous supply of quality talent from an experienced team of recruiters.

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Cheaper Price
You get the choice of using the money saved on labour costs differently.
A Qualified Workplace
Get employed a skilled specialist who will spare businesses from a variety of hassles.
Businesses can have the final resources in a short amount of time.

Enhance your organizational structure, connect to an incredible talent pool across a multitude of sectors

A corporation can save money using low-cost raw materials or skilled labour from low-cost countries by using the global sourcing approach, which involves purchasing goods and services across geographical boundaries.

Utilizing superior expertise, resources, and technology outside their own country can benefit enterprises.

About us


We offer the services to our clients outside the country. Thus, the company can avail of the benefits.
We ensure that manufacturing plants are outfitted with the most high-tech technology available.
Higher Manufacturing Ability
Higher Manufacturing Ability
Higher Manufacturing Ability
We provide the additional advantage of international sourcing. These nations' technical worker forces also have more advanced levels of expertise.
Global Supply-chain administration
Global Supply-chain administration
Global Supply-chain administration
We can assist you in gaining the benefit of making commerce in the 21st century with a full range of beneficial supply chain control activities.


Multi-tasking skills
CorpHR is apt to fulfil the demand of Global Companies in search of Indian people in the subject matter of expertise.


Knowledgeable Management
CorpHR is a knowledgeable management contractor and specializes in task-delivering objectives.


Solid Connections
CorpHR has a research-driven approach and solid connections throughout the Indian and International workforce database.

Clients' Opinions
about us

Gained appreciation and recognition at the Worldwide Scale

We have ranked as the best recruitment service provider for the Global Sourcing services.
We have accomplished 40+ international projects, and the counting is going on!

Frequently asked question

    What are the benefits of Global Sourcing?

    Global sourcing is an essential element for a domestic manufacturer to use in order to compete in a global market.

    What is the significance of Global Sourcing?

    Global Sourcing is an essential element in finding the perfect candidate in the competitive global marketplace.

    What are the challenges of Global Sourcing?

    There are basically five key challenges of global sourcing these are:
    1. Accelerating International Expansion
    2. Technology and Data Analytics
    3. Recruitment and Compliance
    4. Cultural Issues
    5. Human Resources as Strategic Contributor

Careers Transformed and Counting

Careers Transformed and Counting


Happy Clients


Industries Covered



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