Business Analysis, Role of Business Analysts & their Responsibilities

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 Dec 20, 2022

Business Analysis, Role of Business Analysts & their Responsibilities

Businesses want to expand and change continuously so they can meet the needs of their clients and staff, which is why business analysts are becoming more and more in-demand across all sectors of the economy. From giant MNCs to small businesses, everyone wants to hire these professionals to assist them in setting new objectives or goals, addressing problems, and achieving success with those goals. Here are some key duties and role of business analysts to assist you in determining whether to hire or collaborate with them for your company’s requirements.

What is Business Analysis?

In today’s fiercely competitive world, change is a need if you want to survive or stand out from the crowd. Therefore, to maintain their position in the market, businesses must recognize the changes and elements they must stay up with. Business analysis is the discipline that deals with that task. Business analysis is a process used to identify suitable solutions for evolving business needs. It is a complex procedure that incorporates management, strategic planning, system development[1], and improvement techniques. A business analyst assists in the expansion of an organization by performing all these jobs utilizing different approaches. Therefore, to put it simply, the role of a business analyst is to recognize and communicate the need for change inside an organization.

Who Are Business Analysts, Exactly?                

Business analysts are the specialists who decide what adjustments are necessary for a firm to grow. These professionals, who employ information and statistics to increase organizational effectiveness, are frequently referred to as change agents. With a sole focus on boosting revenue, they advise technological developments, policy updates, resource management, and other things.

No matter the field, these specialists have a place in every sector. They evaluate the important variables and develop a plan to make changes that will increase an organization’s revenue, sales, productivity, and reputation.

The following are some of the key tasks that fall under the role of the business analyst:

  • These experts have a thorough understanding of research techniques and employ trustworthy data sources to produce better results.
  • They are familiar with both the managerial and technological sides of the industry, so they can easily offer the best options.
  • Only experts in this field are aware of how to employ SWOT analysis, mind mapping, and other tools that ultimately boost productivity.
  • They assist businesses in improving decision-making and general effectiveness.

Roles of Business Analysts

To achieve the greatest results, business analysts must move through four levels of their function, which are divided into phases. They are as follows:

Roles of Business Analysts

Technology Analysis: To ensure the validity of the modification, the role of the business analyst at this stage involves doing technical analysis. It is yet another important factor that you should carefully examine.

Strategy Management: The role of a business analyst is to prepare and determines the strategies to examine the components of the business. It is the most important component since these tactics are used to determine whether the outcomes are appropriate.

Business Model Analysis: During this stage, the role of business analyst experts examines the current business model to see where the system is deficient.

Designing Procedures: At this stage, the role of business analysts is to create the processes that will be introduced into the system to make the required adjustments.

Stakeholder and development team meetings: The role of business analysts is to meet with the development teams, and stakeholders are one of their other responsibilities. They must first present their ideas to the stakeholders, and if they receive approval, they must then pass those updates to the development teams. For the best outcomes, all of these activities should be finished without a hitch.

Classifying Business Needs: In agile approaches, sorting the requirements is the initial role of business analysts. It would require a thorough examination of the operations and current business model. To pinpoint areas that can be improved, the expert should also compare them to recent market improvements.

Maintenance: Another role of a business analyst is to maintain overall functioning and carry out the tasks to keep the pace going when organizational operations and procedures are all on the right track and producing the greatest results. To verify that no additional adjustments are necessary, the analysts will monitor the tasks and operations. If they discover faults or flaws in the network, they notify the relevant team and have it rectified right away. Furthermore, they make sure that the company adjusts to any technical developments that could lead to further growth.

Solving issues: Problem-solving is yet another role for business analysts to carry out. They must locate the weak points in a company process and come up with appropriate solutions. Their analytical expertise will therefore help identify the underlying source of the problem and appropriate ways to solve them. 

Testing: The role of business analysts starts in the implementation stage. Additionally, during the testing phase, the analysts must remain in place to ensure everything goes as planned. The product testing team will produce reports if technical progress is involved in verifying that the outcome of the adjustments is favourable.

Bringing a Project to Life: Another role of business analysts is to implement successfully. Teams working on technological breakthroughs or infrastructure upgrades are given tasks by these organizations. These specialists, whose methods are in dispute, oversee the entire implementation process.

Summarize the Plan: Presenting the plan to the workforce and other stakeholders after it is ready is another role of business analysts. The team will become accustomed to the modifications and may require training to adjust to them. Once more, it is the role of a business analyst to deliver that plan and lead crucial training sessions.

Choosing Possibilities: The task of assessing the viability comes after the business analyst has discussed the ideas with the involved teams. The feasibility will be discussed by the programmers and other concerned teams. If the need continues, the experts may need to alter their original plan.

Other Responsibilities

You now understand every role a business analyst performs. Let’s get a better understanding of the responsibilities they carry. It will explain how a business analyst performs, and if you connect with them, you can consider making this your career:

  • Working alongside top management and other experts, they persuade the stakeholders to support the reform measures.
  • Test the adjustments to ensure the techniques are effective and produce the desired results.
  • Making a presentation that explains the necessary adjustments and how to put them into practice. Additionally, the business analyst will present it to the board, staff, and any individual directly involved in the change.
  • Plan staff training to make sure everyone is prepared to accept the changes and successfully integrate them into the system.
  • Obtain current data and information about the firm to develop plans for business expansion based on the study. Make sure your preparation methods are thoroughly researched and fact-based.
  • Obtain all the details regarding the procedures that the company now uses. To find areas that require improvement, process analysis is used.
  • Investigate the market in-depth and undertake extensive research to learn how other professionals in a related field are doing. You’ll be able to see where you’ve fallen behind.


Despite being a diverse job inside an organization, a business analyst’s duties and responsibilities are crucial to success. He needs to be a compelling speaker, but he also needs to be able to rally support for his team and himself. His duties are not limited to just one stage of project management. Until the finish, he has one more step to take. From the initial stages of review to maintenance, a business analyst’s skills are necessary. If you want to bring business analysts on board, you can contact Corphr, India’s leading IT Recruitment Services Provider.

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