Complete Guide on Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

Never Stop Learning

 Sep 15, 2022

Complete Guide on Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

AI is showing its worth to recruitment teams by bringing benefits like efficiency, personalisation, and data-informed decision-making. According to SHRM, 88% of firms worldwide already utilise AI in some capacity in HR. Not only has artificial intelligence in recruitment changed the interaction between people and technology, but it is also redefining the role of HR in attracting, engaging, and growing talent. Although the modern workforce is beginning to recognise the value of Artificial intelligence in recruitment, the discussion concerning AI-driven technologies in the hiring process can be perplexing, even for seasoned HR experts.

 In this blog, we have created The Definitive Guide to Artificial Intelligence for Recruiting to simplify the equation, clarify the role AI plays in recruiting efforts, and provide simple facts on AI’s positive influence on HR and TA teams (and, in turn, the entire organization).

What is Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment?

The process of applying artificial intelligence to automate time-consuming, repetitive organisation while providing personalisation and data insights throughout the employment process is known as AI recruiting. Artificial intelligence in recruitment is the contemplation of teaching machines to execute human-like activities in order to automate specific functions. Many sectors, for example, have used AI to swiftly handle enormous volumes of data in order to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and production.

In its most basic form, AI is just automation that allows us to tackle large, complicated, repeatable issues with high-quality outcomes. AI is there to help illuminate the way to success.

Recruiting operations can benefit from similar automation capabilities and benefits, particularly for repetitive, high-volume functions like screening, sourcing, and scheduling. AI-powered technology is intended to accelerate time-consuming manual operations, allowing recruiters to focus on more important efforts during the hiring process.

Contrary to popular belief, AI is not intended to replace human recruiters. Recruiters AI enable talent acquisition teams to find passive prospects and gain data-driven insight that influences decision-making and leads to better results, such as quality of hire. AI recruitment technologies can assist matches the appropriate positions with the right candidates and the right candidates with the right recruiters. Finally, develop the correct teams for the organisation. 

Difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

 The words “artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)” are frequently used interchangeably. However, there is a noteworthy distinction between the two concepts: Machine learning is a subset of AI. Recruiters will benefit from understanding the fundamental differences.

While AI allows machines to take decisions and tackle complicated issues, Machine learning (ML) is the process of making machines “intelligent” by giving those data sets and specific instances. Machines can learn to discern nuances and trends based on this data and make intelligent conclusions. ML is essentially the training process, while AI is the science and engineering of the applications and advances made feasible by ML. Artificial Intelligence in recruitment studies how to create and train intelligent machines that can solve issues. By computing, recognising patterns, and spotting deviations, machine learning helps recruiters be more productive.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

AI-driven HR technology generally enhances efficiency by automating monotonous operations, allowing the recruitment team to focus more on strategic, big-picture goals. If you get AI right, it will blend into the background and provide assistance. It’s also worth nothing that Artificial intelligence in recruitment should be viewed as a supplement or counsellor to recruiters rather than a replacement for human engagement during the recruitment process.

As AI-powered recruiting software become more mainstream and the market becomes more competitive, with demand for top talent expected to rise in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, TA leaders will need to consider integrating it to thrive in an environment where working faster and smarter is a requirement. By providing high-level customisation and data insights, AI solutions can also achieve improved TA outcomes.

AI + Automation

Recruiters are constantly under pressure to accomplish more with less. Many of the time-consuming, repetitive chores can be streamlined with AI-powered technologies.

AI-powered technologies
  1. Sourcing: Use matching and scoring skills to find the best-fit individuals.
  2. Screening: Using predefined criteria, score and rank top talent.
  3. Scheduling: Utilization of chatbots and calendar integrations to schedule interviews and other meetings at the best schedules.

As per Dice’s Recruitment Automation Report, Many recruiters spend up to 30 hours a week sourcing resumes. One of the most significant issues TA directors have is filtering a huge pool of applicants down to the most qualified people.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment: AI + Personalization

What is the best strategy to give exceptional talent experiences and help them achieve their goals more quickly? Provide personalised material across the talent lifecycle.

Here’s how it looks across the board:

Artificial Intelligence for Recruiting


AI drives tailored experience that includes job recommendations and dynamic content based on their profiles, search history, similar job vacancies, similar persons and geographies.


AI provides the same level of personalisation as external candidates, as well as career pathing and job referrals from their alumni network, previous company, and crucial job opportunities.


Artificial intelligence in recruitment cultivates a customised pipeline of applicants with matching abilities and compatibility, allowing recruiters to uncover fresh talent and rediscover former outstanding prospects who may not have completed the talent acquisition process.

AI + Data Insights

Data quality and reliability have long been issues for talent executives. Artificial intelligence-driven insights give recruiters and talent acquisition specialists with the knowledge they need to hire the best-fit personnel faster.

  1. Find new job candidates and rediscover old, competent candidates.
  2. Utilize cloud-based recommendations.
  3. Recognize the candidate’s intent
  4. Discover pipeline trends and explore dynamic talent pools.

Additionally, data insights enable recruiters to spend more time with top talent during the hiring process, minimizing an organization’s time to hire and cost-per-hire metrics.

AI + Bias Control

 Artificial intelligence in recruitment can help in the lessening of biases in the hiring process, which is crucial to an organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Candidate fit scoring ensures that candidates are vetted based on their skill set and expertise rather than a biased demographic.

Challenges of Applying AI in Recruiting

When using AI recruiting tools, HR departments should be aware of the following difficulties and devise strategies to address them.

Obtaining Data for the System

  1. The foundation of effective AI is data. Because the quality of data coming into an AI-powered talent experience platform determines its effectiveness, choosing the right platform is critical.
  2. Organizations should select a technology partner whose platform is fed by a broad network of recruiters, candidates, employees, and job descriptions, which provides the amount of data required for effective AI.
  3. Encourage user cooperation on a platform powered by centralised AI to maximise its benefits.

Controlling Bias

Given that bias management is an advantage of Artificial intelligence[1] in recruitment, it may appear contradictory that it is also regarded as a hurdle. An AI-powered system can, in fact, learn any human bias discovered during the recruiting process or introduced into the system via training data. For example, the algorithm may choose candidates based on their academic credentials or geographic proximity. Top firms avoid prejudice-related mistakes during the hiring process by implementing robust bias detection frameworks.

Seeking buy-in

Asking individuals to shift, even if technology will undoubtedly make their lives easier, is fraught with difficulties. Recruiters may be hesitant to embrace AI if they are concerned about their positions becoming automated. Therefore it is critical to underline that their responsibilities will involve human interaction and human-based decision-making.

Leaders should provide demos, live training, and feedback opportunities prior to launch, as well as identify change champions who can assist raise excitement about the technology’s benefits. Change champions will be critical in bringing all employees on board and prepared for change.

Tools Available for Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

AI and machine learning assist candidates, recruiters, employees, and management throughout their journey, allowing them to reach their objectives more quickly. AI is responsible for the following core functions: personalization, search, and insight.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment


Personalized material is delivered across the talent lifecycle. AI powers tailored applicant experiences on firm employment sites by recommending jobs and displaying dynamic material based on a candidate’s profile, search history, similar job descriptions, and location. Employees benefit from the same personalization options as external candidates, as well as career pathing and job referrals from their networks. 

AI powers a customised pipeline with matching talents and compatibility for recruitment teams and management, allowing recruiters to automatically uncover new talent and rediscover former outstanding applicants.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment: Advanced Search

A career site provides reliable, relevant results to assist candidates in finding suitable employment. Organizations suffer from low talent conversion rates when their search yields irrelevant and inconclusive results. Instead, the search must be clever enough to understand a candidate’s meaning and context, as well as the link between terms. This type of search capability, also known as semantic search, attempts to interpret words in the same manner as a human would. Matching the appropriate position to the right candidate is important for converting top talent. In order to give the most relevant search results, AI enables spell correction, prediction, synonyms, and natural language processing.

HR Chatbots

Conversational HR Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence assist people in finding the best-fit job more quickly by providing personalised dialogues, engagement, job searching, screening, and scheduling. The chatbot employs natural language processing and natural language comprehension to ensure it understands the intent behind a candidate’s question and provides accurate answers by leveraging a master database of information. It is a tough issue in human resources. Recruiters can further empower the bot by studying job seekers’ chats and providing it with new responses that address their questions.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment: Practical Insights

Actionable Insights offers fit and engagement scoring, allowing teams to discover new job seekers, rediscovers existing candidates, tap into cloud-sourced solutions, understand candidate intent, obtain pipeline trends, and view dynamic talent pools — alleviating talent leaders’ long-standing struggle with data quality and reliability.

Furthermore, AI-powered insights enable recruiters to spend more time with the best candidates, decreasing time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.

Changes in the Role of Recruiters

Despite the all-too-common fear that machines will replace people on the job, AI is here to help. However, the future of AI in recruiting is better described as a human-centred approach that employs Artificial intelligence in recruitment to improve job performance. AI functions as the indispensable assistant you can’t live without, never forgetting what it’s “told.” Essentially, AI and automation enable recruiters to evolve. AI can assist recruiters in making more effective decisions faster and freeing them from mundane and logistical responsibilities. The improved recruiter will be able to do more with more time and greater insights.

Become More Dynamic

Rather than merely filling available positions, Artificial intelligence in recruitment will provide recruiters with data insights and enough time to implement strategic hiring techniques.

Concentrate on Relationship Development

Recruiters can devote more attention to best-fit prospects now that they have extra time in their day to go beyond a CV to determine culture fit and prospects, which enhances the applicant experience.

Increase Your Connection with Recruiting Manager

Recruiters employ AI-driven visualisations to educate hiring managers on outcomes such as quality of hire.


HR departments throughout the world have altered their people strategies to face unprecedented change, but one thing is certain technology is critical to the success of our teams, enterprises, and millions of job seekers. Artificial intelligence is here to help the talent experience in profound ways, and we are only scratching the surface of its potential. Today is the moment to embrace AI and let it work in the background so we can focus on what really matters, developing meaningful relationships with our prospects and workers. We hope this blog has provided you with insightful information about Artificial Intelligence in recruitment. For more information, contact our experts at CorpHR. We will help you in getting a valuable fit by using AI-based tools!!

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