How to Ask for a Full-time Remote Position Work: 8 Tips and Steps

Never Stop Learning

 Apr 12, 2023

How to Ask for a Full-time Remote Position Work: 8 Tips and Steps

As remote work opportunities continue to grow, more and more professionals are looking for full-time remote position. Whether you’re seeking flexibility, the ability to work from anywhere or a way to balance work and personal life, requesting a full-time remote position can seem daunting. How do you ask your employer for this type of arrangement? Fortunately, there are steps you can take and tips to follow that can make your request successful. 

The current work scenario has witnessed a significant rise in full-time remote positions. These positions that allow people to work from their preferred location be it a different city, state or even country, have been gaining momentum. However, not everyone is familiar with how to ask for a full-time remote position. To help you out, here are 8 tips and steps that will guide you towards securing a remote work opportunity. But before we take a leap, let’s learn what a full-time remote position means.

Meaning of Full-time Remote Position

A full-time remote position refers to a job that allows an employee to work remotely for 40 hours a week or more. Employees can pick where they want to operate and don’t have to commute to a physical office. It is a great opportunity for those who prefer a flexible work schedule and the ability to work from anywhere.

Working remotely has become rapidly popular and emerged as a significant trend in recent years, with many people choosing to leave the traditional office setting behind and work from the comfort of their own homes. A full-time remote position means that an employee works remotely on a full-time basis rather than occasionally or part-time.

This type of position allows for a great deal of freedom and flexibility, enabling employees to work from any location and at any time that suits them best. It also eliminates the need for a daily commute, which can be a significant time and money-saver. When seeking a full-time remote position, it’s important to approach the situation with a clear understanding of what you’re looking for and what you can offer in return. Be sure to consider the company’s needs and goals, as well as your own, when proposing a full-time remote arrangement.

8 Tips to Consider

1. Conduct your research 

 Before approaching your manager, make sure you have done your homework. Research the company’s policies on remote work and find out if there are any precedent employees who work remotely full-time.

2. Prepare an In-depth job description

Outline your work responsibilities, what tasks can be completed remotely and a proposed schedule. It will show your manager you have put thought into how a full-time remote position will be sustainable.

3. Bring the Benefits into Light

Bring to your manager’s attention the benefits of working remotely, for instance, increased productivity and work-life balance.

4. Be proactive

Anticipate any concerns your manager may have and address them in advance. It will demonstrate your commitment to success in a full-time remote position.

5. Demonstrate productivity

Show your manager that you can effectively complete tasks and meet deadlines while working remotely.

6. Discuss communication protocols

Make sure both you as well as your manager are on the same page regarding communication expectations. Will you check-in daily or weekly? Will you attend occasional onsite meetings? Communication protocols must be discussed openly. 

7. Set up a trial period

Ask for a trial period of a few weeks or months to demonstrate your success in a full-time remote position.

8. Be open to compromise

Be willing to negotiate, whether it’s a hybrid remote schedule or a phased-in approach. Be open to finding a solution that works for both you and your manager.

10 Benefits of Working Remotely

The significant benefits of working remotely are mentioned below- 

10 Benefits of Working Remotely
  1. Flexibility: As a full-time remote worker, you have the flexibility to choose your working hours and location that suits your lifestyle.
  2. Better work-life balance: Remote working allows you to prioritize your personal life while still being able to handle work responsibilities.
  3. Increased productivity: Remote workers tend to have fewer distractions and can focus better, leading to increased productivity.
  4. Cost savings: You save money on commuting expenses, clothes, and meals outside the home.
  5. Improved health: Remote workers have increased opportunities to exercise, eat healthy food items, and reduce stress, leading to better health.
  6. Increased job satisfaction: Employees who work remotely are generally happier with their jobs and are more motivated to perform.
  7. Lower turnover rates: Remote working can promote employee retention[1] by offering a more flexible and desirable working environment.
  8. Access to a wider talent pool: Remote work allows employers to hire from a more extensive pool of applicants, including those from different geographic regions.
  9. Increased profitability: Companies that adopt remote work strategies tend to have lower overhead costs and higher profits.
  10. Environmental benefits: Remote work reduces the carbon footprint associated with commuting and office operations, contributing to a greener planet.

How to ask your Manager to give you Permission to Work in a Full-time Remote Position?

It’s time to have that conversation with your manager about working remotely full-time.

Here are 8 tips to guide you through the process:

How to ask your Manager to give you Permission to Work in a Full-time Remote Position?
  1. Schedule a meeting: Avoid catching your manager off guard and set up a meeting ahead of time. It will give them time to prepare and give your request the attention it deserves.
  2. Understand their concerns: Your manager may have concerns about the influence of remote work on team dynamics, productivity, or communication. Be prepared to address these issues and provide solutions that demonstrate you’ve thought carefully about both the upsides and downsides of remote work.
  3. Focus on job functions: Instead of making it about working from home, frame the conversation around your job functions and how they would be better fulfilled remotely. Show how your work can be done effectively and efficiently from a remote location.
  4. Offer a trial period: If your manager is hesitant about granting a full-time remote position, offer to start with a trial period. It will give them the opportunity to see how you perform remotely and address any concerns they may have.
  5. Be flexible: Your manager may be more willing to consider remote work if it’s not an all-or-nothing proposition. Be open to a hybrid approach that allows you to split your time between the office and remote work.
  6. Show how it benefits the company: Make sure to highlight the benefits of working remotely for the company as well as for yourself. It could include increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and access to a wider talent pool.
  7. Be prepared to negotiate: If your manager is open to the idea of remote work, be prepared to negotiate the specifics of the arrangement. It could include setting specific working hours, establishing clear communication protocols, and outlining expectations for deliverables.
  8. Follow up: Regardless of the conversation’s outcome, follow up with your manager to thank them for their time and reiterate your desire to explore remote work options in the future.


Working from home or away from the office saves time and money, boosts productivity, reduces stress, and allows for a better work-life balance. Also, employees can stay away from the trap of office politics. A remote setup also results in a more diverse and inclusive workforce, as it opens up job opportunities to people who live far away from the office or have different needs. If you are looking to hire a resource for a full-time remote position, then you must get in touch with a recruitment consulting firm that offers IT recruitment services

However, it’s noteworthy to mention that not all jobs can be done remotely and that even for those that can, remote work is not always the best option. It requires discipline, self-motivation, effective communication skills, access to reliable technology, and a suitable workspace. Therefore, before asking your manager for a full-time remote position, it’s crucial to research, comprehend the company’s policies as well as expectations, and evaluate your readiness and willingness to embrace the challenges and opportunities of remote work.

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