An Outlook on Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022

Never Stop Learning

 Sep 01, 2022

An Outlook on Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022

Employees and employers must be aware of the top 25 recruitment trends in 2022. The previous two years have seen a significant transformation in our workplace. Many of us had gone into lockdown as a result of the epidemic, and we had to think quickly about the strategies to keep our organisation operating. As a result, we were able to develop more effective strategies for increasing productivity, improving work-life balance and producing more value. We looked at which tools and technology HR required the most in the years and how they set the way, which is essential in 2022. Yet this is clear that, just like it happened this year, technology will continue to influence most recruiting trends in the coming years.

Recruiters must eventually rely on virtual assistance in today’s ever-changing and technologically advanced society.While analysing and predicting the future, we have taken everything into account. Hence, in this blog, we have explored the top 25 recruitment trends in 2022!

Let’s Have a Look at 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022

Here are the following recruitment trends in 2022:

Remote Work Culture as a Future Trend

Work from home is among the top 25 recruiting trends in 2022 that won’t go away once the new chapter begins, despite the fact that it may sound outdated. 98% of employees desire the ability to work remotely for at least part of the week. Over this, even if Teleworking was widely used in 2021 worldwide, data still reveal that the same businesses are unsure of how to keep their staff productive.

Since there is still so much to learn about remote work, the question will be relevant long after 2022 has passed. In addition, the reason so many people switched to teleworking is still valid. It will be a while before offices are safe again, but immunizations would be our only hope against COVID-19. Teleworking is popularly encouraged or managed by many employers because it saves money in addition to being safer.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Adapting Perspective for Employees’ Benefits

Employee opinion regarding what matters when it comes to perks has changed. Building on a trend that was already noted in 2018 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a growing percentage of organisations are looking to provide a wide array of benefits than they did the year before. Studies have found that employers’ attitudes on benefits are shifting, with more stating they’re inclined to offer more perks and services that their company does not already offer. More perks and benefits related to life experience, or those not directly related to business operations, will also become more relevant.

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

The fact that recruiting will be a major topic in 2022 is another trend from the list of trends that may not be new. According to the World Bank, one of the principles that can boost the world economy by up to £120 trillion is workplace gender equality. Additionally, workplace diversity in terms of race and gender can boost profile by 33%. However, there is a possibility that businesses will go beyond data and provide DE&I initiatives in 2022. The new hiring fad will address structural disparities and how to strengthen discriminatory procedures.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Greater Data-Drivenness in HR

Data that is accurate, current, and in-depth was once something HR could only hope for. Usually, they were wasting time trying to piece together the necessary information by combining voluminous paper files or combining spreadsheets. However, data is currently changing, like HR functions.

The adoption rates are increasing as HR adopts a more data-driven and analytical attitude, according to LinkedIn’s Rise of Analytics in HR research. The number of persons in EMEA who lists HR analytics on their profiles has increased by 61% year over year. However, there is room for much more. Only 19% of businesses have used HR analytics, and only 12% had positions specifically committed to a field. Moreover, many businesses are moving toward developing people strategies that are much more data-driven.  

Expansion of Workforce Analytics

Even in 2022, the COVID-19 after effects will still be a problem in our society and at work. Businesses will need to make sure they are prepared to adapt to the new, chaotic world as the economy continues to be unstable. Because of this, workforce planning will become crucial and be included on the list of new hiring trends. Additionally, recruiters will use digital technologies to determine whether each step of the hiring process is being maximised. Expansion of workforce analytics is one of the top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

 Employee Value Propositions

Employee value propositions are nothing new, but they will soon be more important than ever. Because prospective employees are doing their job searches with a consumer attitude. Online reviews are being read by them. They check to determine if the impression a business gives of itself corresponds to the truth of what others are saying about it. They are digging into the background information to ensure that businesses are legitimate and that their claims are supported by the facts.

Moreover, companies need to step up their game when it comes to employee experiences as well, according to employees. Thus, make sure you’re providing an excellent employee experience where growth, independence, and flexibility are the norm. Also, do not assume that one is encompassing because it does not. Employee value propositions belong to the league of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Increase in Digital Knowledge

To take advantage of the potential presented by a workforce that is becoming more and more digital, the appropriate skills must be in place. However, there is still a discrepancy between what businesses require and individuals’ level of digital expertise. Developing methods to ensure that learning and development are delivering the essential skills necessary to ensure a workforce that is productive in the digital age will be one of the major tasks on the HR to-do list.

Continual Departure from Hierarchy

The traditional organisational hierarchy is evolving. Flatter and circular structures, which frequently allow for far greater employee input, are in vogue. An interesting opportunity exists for HR to adopt organisational design ideas, such as organisational network analysis, which provides a formal means to comprehend how information, communications, and decisions are made within an organisation. Using tools like staff surveys and technological tracking, HR is in a perfect position to tap into these processes. Continual departure from hierarchy is one of the top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

Leadership Development

Organizations have high expectations of their leaders. What kind of assistance is it then that enables them to be able to provide what is required by them? How can people acquire the knowledge necessary to effect real change in a troubling time? Let’s not neglect the next generations of leaders either. To ensure that tomorrow’s leaders are prepared to step up when the time is right, businesses need to take a more intimate look at the potential they already have and cultivate it.

This will necessitate making investments in top-notch, precisely targeted leadership development programmes. But anticipate that it will also include a wider range of strategies, such as more intensive coaching and mentoring, as well as pairing together leaders to build complementary leadership structures.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: A Time of Great Resignation Era

All indications point to current employee discontent and thoughts of leaving the company. Additionally, many are considering starting completely new careers in addition to switching employment. HR will face significant difficulties in developing retention tactics to keep their best employees. However, there is also a tremendous opportunity because some incredible new talent is entering the market. Employers ought to consider how they may effectively take advantage of this.

Communication with Employees

The cultural landscape of organisations is changing. During the epidemic, businesses had to be very careful about how they spoke with their staff and, at last, understood that paying attention to what they had to say offered a significant amount of value. More workers will finally feel that their opinions are heard when they are expressed, even though it has taken some time and also follow through. That’s fantastic news considering Qualtrics study that discovered nearly 70% of workers are more probably to stay with an organisation longer if they feel their opinions are being heard. Communication with employees is one of the top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

Collaborations in Organizations

Teams that work well together accomplish goals, and let’s face it; collaboration has never been associated with many disadvantages. Building virtual “super-teams” is an opportunity that can be taken advantage of more effectively than ever, thanks to solutions like the accessibility of collaborative software. And the urge is already present at the level of the executive team; according to a KPMG survey, 77% of CEOs are eager to investigate expanding the use of collaboration and communication tools in their organisations. Collaborations in organizations belong to the league of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: The popularity of National Language Processing

Natural language processing—have you heard of it? If not, this particular HR trend merits your attention. This area of artificial intelligence is improving computers’ capacity to understand spoken and written language by using algorithms to interpret human language. It has enormous potential. NLP has already shown itself to be a game-changer in helping HR teams achieve that as they acquire more data and will need effective ways to collect the insights it can produce.

Impact of Generation Z

The priorities that generation Z is establishing are promoting workplace reform. Feedback and collaborations are highly valued by Generation Z workers, 60% of them demand daily check-ins with their bosses, and over 65% desire regular feedback. They are also a generation that is dependent on their smartphones; more than 30% of them experience anxiety if they are away from them for longer than 30 minutes.

Solid work-life balance is valued by 67% of respondents. 62% of companies want their company’s ideals to match their own. Additionally, 61% of workers want their employer to have goals beyond financial success. HR may look into ways to maintain the generation engagement and happiness at work by recognising these working habits and preferences.

Agenda of Employees’ Financial Well-Being

The welfare of employees has always been a concern for proactive HR teams. However, the pandemic has elevated it to a new level of importance. There is a lot of room to make a difference, from normalising a conversation about mental health to providing direct support for health promotion initiatives like quitting smoking and onsite fitness centres to a variety of benefits that can improve access to healthcare, like private health insurance.

But significant change has been the realisation of the value of financial security as well. Financial corners were impacting workers even before the epidemic; according to one estimate, 25 million UK workers were concerned about their finances at work. And it has been determined that the main source of stress for UK employees is financial worries. Every year, 4.2 million working days are wasted owing to absenteeism brought on by a lack of financial security. There is growing evidence that this must be included in a comprehensive strategy for wellness. Research indicates that it’s also becoming a higher priority for investors, so it’s not just about taking care of your workers. Agenda pertaining to employees’ financial well-being belong to the list of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022.

Greater Compassion in Leadership

Prior to the pandemic, businesses were struggling with employee engagement and the viability of remote work. The pandemics unexpectedly offered some solutions. Businesses started to take into account both the inside and outside the reality of their employees’ lives. Managers and leaders became more socially acceptable to adopt a more sympathetic stance. Thought leaders argue that it’s also OK to be vulnerable and empathic. According to her research, these qualities make for better leaders. According to the report, being more human, a little more empathetic, and compassionate toward others will pay off.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Simple Recruitment through Software

Simple Recruitment through Software

HR used to spend hours sorting through applications, interviewing candidates, and then getting back to them. It should be much simpler with a more automated recruitment strategy. Cloud-based recruitment software is revolutionising the process for all parties. A rapidly increasing number of businesses are becoming aware of the possibilities this type of software has for them, from text messaging recruiting for quick and engaging conversations to application tracking software for effective management of the entire process. For instance, according to Emersion, a provider of automated language evaluation solutions, hiring time was reduced by an amazing 70 hours.

HR Acting as a Guardian of Learning

Once upon a time, HR was in charge of advising people which course they should enrol in and making the required logistical arrangements. We have been moving away from that method for a time now, thanks to online schooling. We are now moving toward HR taking on the role of learning experience curator, assisting employees in learning in a manner that benefits not only the organisation but also the individual.

This kind of strategy has the virtue of “adding L&D into everything employees do and wherever they go.” Performance enhancement becomes a daily growth mindset habit. Instead of sitting through lengthy courses in worn-out hotel conference rooms for days on end, consider bite-sized knowledge modules that are tailored to the learner’s needs and interests.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation has emerged as the in-demand trend and joined the list of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022. Technology is developing quite quickly. Artificial intelligence, virtual world, and robotic process automation are specifically discussed in terms of HR. This will be employed in some lower-value transactional operations, but it’s also becoming increasingly commonplace in other fields. The use of technology by HR staff in hiring has already been addressed. But anticipate seeing it more frequently in the area of employee development as well, such as coaching assisted by coach bots. Additionally, VR technology will become more and more important, particularly in high-risk occupations where abilities can be initially developed in a more secure setting. Additional usage is the growing popularity of HR Chatbots.

High-impact robotic process automation is already being adopted by HR departments, and Chatbots are being used to answer frequently asked questions about things like benefits and business regulations.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility may not be a new concept. But the significance of sustainability-related issues is growing. When it comes to social responsibility, employees want to know that the work they do and the firm they work for have actual influence.

And if they’re unsatisfied, they won’t hold back: 82 percent of millennials believe they have the right to criticise their bosses (SHRM, 2019). Employers are eager to excite workforces that want to be a part of an ethical organisation that thinks about more than just the annual profit figures and are likely to take more significant action in response to employee activism.

Rising of Biometric System

Biometric System

Biometric system has grabbed the spot in the list of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022. Retina or iris scanning, fingerprint scanning, voice pattern recognition, hand scanning or face geometry scanning are examples of biometric technology that was formerly thought to be futuristic but now becoming more commonplace in offices. And with workers becoming increasingly accustomed to using this kind of technology, according to IBM data, 75% of millennials believe that trends are expected to grow. Adopting distinctive biological identifiers will streamline data collecting while making the workplace more secure, and personnel feel safer, from time and attendance systems to building access. However, it will require HR to understand all the consequences for data protection and archiving.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Gig Economy

As the gig economy expands, regular employment is becoming less prevalent. In actuality, more than a third of all US workers now depend on gigs. Some people choose this decision because they want more freedom, flexibility, and overall work-life balance. Others can be dealing with a circumstance that is more short-term and motivated by the need to make up work time. In either case, HR will need to develop plans for keeping this portion of their staff motivated and productive, as well as for getting the appropriate talents when they are required.

More Power to Retention

Even if hiring might be occurring on a wider scale, retention will be the main priority for businesses in 2022. The hiring process has only just begun. It becomes more difficult to keep them after that. Many businesses are imposing longer notice requirements for leaving, such as three months as opposed to two weeks. While this is advantageous to the business, finding top employees may be more challenging.

Payroll System

The pandemic is altering our conventional methods of doing things as well. It is the reason why on-demand payments may end up being the new norm. Employees will need more flexibility in how they get paid, which might mean weekly payments.

Top 25 Recruitment Trends in 2022: Upgrading the Skills of Employees

According to the Workplace Trends research, the need for up-skilling increased from 14% in 2019 to 38% in 2020. Talent is being nurtured and developed rather than being purchased “ready-made.” The secret to keeping staff competitive and retaining them is up-skilling. Additionally, it keeps the price of hiring and onboarding low. It’s a longer-term strategy that focuses on fostering internal talent and hiring individuals with the intention of re-skilling or up-skilling them over time. It’s all about remaining flexible and enhancing staff responsiveness; this is a strategy that forward-thinking businesses like Amazon, IBM, and PwC have already adopted.


Never assume that recruitment will be observable in 2022. But compared to 2022, we may predict it will face the fewest difficulties. Thus, you must adhere to the most recent hiring trends to overcome the recruitment challenges prior to the year. By increasing productivity and eliminating undesirable hires, these top 25 recruitment trends in 2022 will assist you in streamlining and optimising your overall hiring process. Have a look at the above-mentioned list of top 25 recruitment trends in 2022. After that, review your hiring process and make excellent hiring decisions for 2022. You can also connect with CorpHR for further information; we would gladly like to assist you in every aspect!

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