Reasons why Interim Managers Succeed faster than Permanent Managers

Never Stop Learning

 Sep 05, 2022

Reasons why Interim Managers Succeed faster than Permanent Managers

When a leadership vacancy arises, many companies throughout the world turn to interim management for assistance. That is correct! A good interim manager may be a huge asset to your organisation because they frequently bring unique abilities. Interim managers are specialists who can manage projects, people, and budgets, allowing them to make the best use of the time you hire them for. Several surveys predict that digital leadership and interim management will be two of the most in-demand services in the next years. It follows the Coronavirus, which altered life as we know it and how we do business. This special category of managers, also regarded as provisional managers or temporary executives, are hired to assist failing businesses, businesses in transition, and businesses that have recently resigned from a senior position.

Due to these characteristics, businesses prefer interim managers to be regular or permanent leaders. Thus in this blog, there are the following reasons why interim managers succeed faster than permanent managers.

Who is an Interim Manager?

An interim manager is a knowledgeable and experienced expert that is sought for rapid and effective solutions. In contrast to ‘conventional’ managers, interim managers are only employed for a limited time, typically 3 to 12 months. The term “interim” refers to temporary or provisional status. As a result, the terms’ temporary executive’ or ‘provisional director’ are sometimes used interchangeably with interim management.

Interim managers are frequently referred to as “company doctors.” It is due to their ability to identify failing processes inside a business and implement the necessary modifications to restore profitability. These people are best recognised for taking on failed or difficult jobs and rapidly transforming them into more advantageous scenarios. Such circumstances include the abrupt resignation of a senior CEO or a significant drop in a company’s profits. Such situations are frequently referred to as corporate crises.

Role and Functions

A provisional director assists a corporation in meeting specified organisational goals in a short amount of time. The primary responsibility of an interim manager is to assist a company in meeting its objectives by resolving a specific challenge. The majority of a company’s policies and activities are directed by senior management. CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs, and CIOs, are examples of executive positions, sometimes known as C-level managerial positions.

The role of an interim manager entails taking on the responsibilities that were previously held by this personnel. According to recent research, 55 percent of interim managers are on C-level assignments. Because of their specialised skills, many companies entrust interim managers with top-level managerial choices.

Reasons Why Interim Managers Succeed Faster than Permanent Managers

Here are some of the following reasons why interim managers succeed faster than permanent managers:

Interim Managers Succeed process

Having an Experience

Temporary managers have extensive industry experience. They have an exhibited track record of successful project management. As a result, they may strike the ground running when accepting a new task.

Brings Technical Skills and Abilities

According to a survey, more than 90% of CFOs and FDs intend to deal with interim leaders in the coming year. According to this result, 46 percent responded that project management was the key reason they wanted to work with interim executives. Even better, nearly 55% of all temporary managers are on C-level assignments. C-level roles include those akin to CEOs, CFOs (chief financial officers), FDs, CIOs, and COOs. People in such positions control roughly 46 percent of all business operations. It demonstrates how competent interim managers are.

Interim managers exhibit their leadership abilities shortly after being hired by encouraging and leading the present crop of personnel to achieve corporate goals. They provide attainable goals, particularly in the organization’s day-to-day operations. Interim managers achieve greater success than permanent managers due to their expertise and technical knowledge. Interim managers may have more experience handling diverse and tough assignments than permanent managers.

Highly Optimistic

Optimism is difficult to come by, especially during difficult times filled with COVID-19. However, one reason interim managers consistently outperform is their unwavering optimism. Temporary executives take over failed initiatives and mobilise their resources to deliver the needed turnaround. They don’t look at the economy and hope that it will improve. Rather, they apply their skills to propel the organisation toward effective and long-term solutions.

Interim Executive Managers are Time Conscious

Because of the project’s timing sensitivity, provisional senior executives succeed faster than permanent managers. Many interim managers are sought after due to their ability to complete projects in a timely manner. Project engagements are limited to two years. However, an interim manager’s usual contract term is one year. Temporary managers achieve greater success than permanent managers because they can organise change in a short period of time. Only top-level managers are capable of managing their time well. These abilities make them permanent managers.

They are Result Oriented and Have a Strong Mindset

Another reason interim managers outperform temporary managers is that interim CEOs have a strong attitude. They have a high task orientation, which allows them to complete assignments more quickly than typical managers. Whereas consultants and permanent managers may be motivated by monetary compensation, interim managers are evaluated based on their capacity to provide enormous value to the customer.

Major Differences

At this point, it is evident that temporary executive directors are significantly overqualified for most top management roles. They are results-oriented and frequently exceed the initial terms of the agreement. These characteristics make these employees highly sought after by many businesses today.

Interim Management

Problem Solvers

Interim managers are chosen because of their track record and skill in resolving issues that prevent organisations from becoming profitable. A permanent manager, on the other hand, is hired for their leadership qualities, which are critical for motivating the present crop of employees to achieve organisational goals.

Engagement of the Company

What exactly is an interim position? In the corporate sector, a job is held by an individual for a brief period of time, usually less than one year. All appointments and successions are made on a temporary basis. Interim managers frequently sign contracts for little more than a year. It is, nonetheless, common for some interim executive managers to continue on a given assignment for two years. Furthermore, clients frequently approach temporary managers and offer permanent positions, but most are dedicated to their trade and decline such offers. Temporary directors are terminated whenever their contract expires.

Permanent managers, on the other hand, are appointed to achieve the best long-term results. Permanent managers, as the name implies, have a degree of permanence tied to their jobs. Permanent managers who have been with the parent organisation for 10 to 30 years are typical.

Assistance Offered by Interim Managers

They serve as interim leaders in organisations undergoing significant upheaval or transition. They fill a position on short notice and use their significant experience to help a company achieve its objectives.

Project Management

The extensive application of methodologies, techniques, expertise, and abilities to achieve specific objectives within the appropriate parameters is known as project management. It is best suited for interim managers because project management has a predetermined start and end date or time. Project management is frequently difficult because project managers must achieve all of the project’s goals within the limits that have been set. Project management is ideal for interim managers. They have the essential experience to complete project objectives.

Listed below are some project management goals:

  1. Putting fresh strategies into action
  2. Expansion into new market segments
  3. New technology implementation
  4. Relocating or establishing new branches
  5. When mergers, demergers, or acquisitions are involved
  6. Restructuring of a company
  7. Major initiatives that result in cultural shifts

Gap Management

A managerial skill gap occurs when a corporation or manager lacks the expertise or human capital required to perform at the maximum level. A survey found that over 72% of British businesses were concerned about a lack of leadership and management abilities in 2012. Gap management occurs for a variety of reasons. For example, a senior executive in your firm may have recently left due to death, resignation, or personal reasons. Poor staffing, acquisition, or executive recruitment processes may result in managerial gaps.

As a result, businesses are recommended to hire high-level executive directors to fill managerial vacancies. However, before succession, expect an interim manager to provide the following gap management services;

  1. A senior manager’s unexpected departure
  2. Management gaps in a start-up business
  3. Management Transaction
  4. Restructuring

Turnaround Management

Turnaround management is the process of renewing corporate practices. The technique employs analysis and evaluation tools to save failing businesses. Failing businesses look to managers with technical expertise to help them recover. Turnaround management[1] requires quick action. Businesses are frequently exhorted to act swiftly before it is too late. It is where an outside expert, such as interim management, may help.

Practices in turnaround management are comparable to those in interim management or management coaching.

Here are some types of turnaround management help you should expect from your interim managers:

  1. Management of crises
  2. Recovering underperforming divisions or departments
  3. Restore failed projects

Who should one choose Between an Interim Manager and a Permanent Manager?

The simple and clear answer is that it depends on the state of your firm. Some situations necessitate the expert assistance of interim managers, while others necessitate the appointment of permanent management. For example, if you’re going through a hard patch that’s producing a significant drop in profits, it’s probably time to explore working with interim management.

Here are some such scenarios in which an interim manager’s professionalism and talents are required:

  1. If you need to fill a managerial vacancy immediately
  2. If you are introducing your products and services in a new market but lack the managerial skills to take the project through to completion
  3. You are undergoing a change and lack the internal capability to complete the project successfully. According to a recent poll, only 42% of all firms have the internal capability to orchestrate change successfully.
  4. If your organisation need a specific set of abilities and talents that are currently lacking.
  5. You are in the midst of a merger, demerger, or acquisition.

If at least one of these following criteria is checked, you should seriously consider hiring interim managers.


Interim managers have a substantially lower project cost because they typically work 70-80% faster than permanent managers. As a result, we believe that employing interim management is a wise investment. The investment is defined, which allows for faster results and, as a result, a better yield than other possibilities. Thus, that’s why we believe that these managers succeed faster than permanent managers. Therefore, we hope this blog has provided you with insightful information. For more knowledge, connect with CorpHR; we will be glad to guide you and help you in getting the right interim manager for your company. 

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