Recruitment Resolutions for 2023: Hiring Trends for the New Year

Never Stop Learning

 Dec 19, 2022

Recruitment Resolutions for 2023: Hiring Trends for the New Year

What better time to begin planning your strategy for the year than as 2022 draws to a close? We’ve compiled a list of New Year’s recruitment resolutions to welcome 2023 with a bang to assist you in creating an awesome hiring plan! Recruiters have observed several new trends and innovations influencing the recruiting market this year, including silent resigning, grand resignation, quiet firing, and career cushioning in the last few years. But enough reminiscing in 2023, we all desire greater results, and this calls for extensive planning. Take inspiration from our list to keep one step ahead of the game, like everyone else; you must start writing down recruitment resolutions and objectives for the upcoming year.


Naturally, when the holiday season approaches, our thoughts turn to planning trips, tree decorations, cookies, and our favourite films. It’s also a good moment to reflect on the year that’s almost over and consider our best successes—perhaps a few failures. I’ll stop with the memories now. Establishing new goals and entering the following year with a positive outlook are other benefits of the New Year. 

It also applies to our working lives. Now is the time to begin setting recruitment resolutions for those who want to improve as recruiters in 2023. However, we are aware that sometimes making New Year’s resolutions might be scary or unrealistic: “Explore the world.” “Stop unhealthy habits.” “Get rid of the additional 10 pounds”. To assist you in achieving your professional objectives, we’re going to start you off with these five New Year’s recruitment resolutions, as well as some more tangible, small professional suggestions:

Recruitment Resolutions for 2023

The vital recruitment resolutions for 2023 are mentioned below- 

Recruitment Resolutions for 2023

Discover a new hobby or skill: One of the Key recruitment resolutions for the year 2023 is to discover new skills that can make a difference in your career, regardless of whether you are looking to address a skills gap or merely increase your knowledge. It is not necessary to receive official training or to enter a brand-new field of study. Take an online course, get a colleague to share some of their knowledge with you, or choose a subject you’ve always desired to learn about.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Examine and enhance the onboarding process at your business. Although hiring is the official end of your work, what follows next is extremely crucial for building your employer’s brand.
  • Refresh your understanding of labour law. It’s crucial to make sure that you and your business are fully compliant with all new rules and political changes that have an impact on our daily lives.
  • Observe co-workers from various departments. You’ll understand which candidates likely suit their team’s culture well the next time you need to add to it.
  • Take a simple coding course if you frequently hire tech workers or plan to do so. You’ll learn how to create job descriptions that are clear to candidates, better written, and free of buzzwords.

Invest In Training New Recruiters: If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it’s that the employment market[1] is always changing. Recruiters must keep up with the most recent industry trends and challenges in this always-evolving marketplace. Therefore, investing in an effective training program for all new hiring managers joining your firm in 2023 would be one of the ideal recruitment resolutions. Even seasoned recruiters can benefit from upgrading their skills.

Unquestionably, a top-notch recruiter training program accelerates recruitment, fills in any development gaps, and raises team performance and productivity, which are crucial for the long-term operation of a successful recruitment agency. In addition, recruiters must be made aware of the value of first-hand operational learning and motivated to leave feedback and follow-ups.

Save Money: Saving money is essential for both personal and professional reasons. One of the significant recruitment resolutions for 2023 might be to reduce or control hiring expenses. Cost forecasting reports, complicated calculations, and number-filled spreadsheets are never enjoyable. However, expense reports are crucial for HR. Like, figure out how much you spend on hiring. Costs should be broken down by category, such as job boards, hiring occasions, and HR software. One can plan and manage their recruiting budget according to the laid down criteria. Make sure to also reduce or eliminate unnecessary spending. Create a referral program and spend money on advanced HR technologies.

Adapt Data-Driven Recruitment Process: This recruitment resolution focuses on adjusting the recruitment process to be data-driven. Recruiters have relied on recruitment analytics to make knowledgeable hiring decisions ever since there has been data. As an illustration, LinkedIn Talent Insights gives recruiters on-demand access to up-to-date information on talent pools and businesses, including visual information that can be downloaded or shared with your hiring manager. Understanding your existing data sources can be your path to finding suitable applicants for your job opening. Recruitment data can help enhance feedback from both the hiring manager and the recruiter, in addition to improving communication between them.

Foster strong relationships: Toxic Relationships can be in our personal as well as professional life. Building positive relationships with everyone you interact with—from co-workers and employees to recruiters and other HR professionals—should be one of your significant recruitment resolutions for this year. But maintaining relationships takes time; it’s not something you can do once and check off your list. For instance, have regular, casual meetings with the team leaders, perhaps during your lunch break. Every few months, try and attend one local job fair, and hold a career day at your workplace. Create a system for keeping in touch with applicants, even those you rejected.

Exercise More: One of the practical recruitment resolutions for 2023 is to have a mindset of constant improvement, which is what distinguishes competent recruiters from great ones. Calculate your achievements and mistakes, try various approaches, and identify your most productive working methods. Track the KPIs that are important to you starting this year. You can use these measurements as a guide to see which techniques are effective and which areas have the potential for development. Set specific, measurable sub-objectives, such as, “This year, I aim to reduce the amount of hiring period from X to Y number of days. Thus I will

publicize open positions in more channels, including social media, or I want to customize my emails to reluctant applicants by Q3 to raise my mail rate of response by X% and more. 

Take Advantage Of Automation Tools: The introduction of recruiting technologies and automated techniques has made 2022 simpler for recruiters. Can you picture completing the workload for this year without dependable productivity tools? Therefore, including recruitment technology in your 2023 recruitment resolutions can help you find qualified people for open positions and enhance your agency’s overall performance. But if you’re not using technology effectively, your recruitment system will become overburdened with pointless tools. To centralize and streamline your workflow, it is preferable to rely on a few useful tools. For instance, you won’t have to worry about your system becoming cluttered with several tools if you choose all-in-one software with a built-in CRM.

Focus on Networking: We are all aware that networking is essential for effective hiring. Building meaningful relationships will make you differentiate yourself from the pack and attract potential prospects, especially in the face of today’s fierce competition. So what’s holding you back from including it in your 2023 recruitment resolutions? Today’s job searchers are more likely to complain about impersonal and chilly hiring methods, which can harm the candidate experience. Establish the best communication procedures for your recruiting agency and add value to the hiring process of your candidates to prevent this. Making genuine connections can help you develop a strong professional network as well as credibility, which will draw in talented prospects and clients.


A new year implies a new beginning; it means making new resolutions and entering the following year with a good outlook. Now is the time to initiate jotting down some recruitment resolutions if you want to be a better recruiter in 2023. We’re confident that recruiters can create a smooth, well-planned recruiting strategy and be well-prepared for any challenges that 2023 may present with the help of these eight New Year recruitment resolutions.

Read our Article: Impact of Social Media Recruitment: A Brief Overview

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